Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1,000 Amazing People!

I don't think words could explain how much my life has changed since this blog has begun. I made this blog and the Facebook page in hopes of reaching just a few people and never in a million years did I think I would reach over 1,000 people in just over a week. I've had my up's and my down's just like everyone in this world and it took my darkest days to make realize that I needed to do something with my life. You all have shown me that there is hope and a group of people want to see this world become something better. If I can make one less bully, one less hateful message, and one more positive person, then my dream has come true. We all have the power to do something great and you may have to swim through a see of hate to accomplish it but I promise if you have the drive, you WILL get there. I look forward to seeing the growth of "Positive Life" and how all of you change this world. Please keep writing to me, sending me pictures, and telling me how "Positive Life" has changed you. I love you all to the moon and back!

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