Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cora Peters Legacy Lives On!

Torri: Cora Peters. This name has made a lasting and positive impression on not only our small town community but hope fully on this world. Cora brought so much life and happiness to the people who have surrounded her with love and positivity. She has changed people’s lives who didn’t even know her on a personal level, if you ask me that’s pretty incredible. Cora Peters has left a legacy behind her and I will forever be grateful to have known her. She will forever be in my heart and on my mind. 5 of Coras best friends have willingly wrote a little bit about Cora and they were so happy to do this when I asked them! I look up to these girls for their strength and courage that Cora has planted in them. I hope you all take these words and run with it, spread the word of Cora Peters and tell people that she won her battle with cancer like a boss. We are and will always be Coras Crew.



  Lacey . Never in a million years did I think I would have to watch one of my best friends slowly slip away from me. Not too many 18 year old girls would be able to keep a smile on their face as they watched their hair fall out and slowly began to realize they would be losing their life, EXCEPT for Cora. There were so many times we forgot she was even sick because she was the strongest girl in the world. She never let us know how much pain she was in. She still wanted to go out to eat, window chalk cars, go out with boys, dance, or anything else highs school girls do. When we were with Cora, she was determined to do everything we did, no matter how much it hurt. I can’t help but smile a little as I write about her because smiling is a “Cora-like” thing to do! She always smiled no matter what cancer threw her way. Her smile was contagious, in fact, it still is. When I look at a picture of her or think of something we did together, I get a little sad, but then smile because I know she wouldn’t want me to do anything BUT smile. Her story, courage, and beauty, inside and out, will keep people smiling for a LONG time.


 Shannon . There are not enough words to describe Cora. Cora was such an inspiration to anyone who she met. She had everything going for her except for her health. She never let that stop her though. She continue to live as normal of a life as she possibly could. We would always go and get turtle pie or ice cream and talk about nothing for hours. Her voice was so soothing and gentle (except for in the morning that's a different story!) She gave other cancer patients hope too by showing them to enjoy everything in life and to make the best of every moment. Cora will be with all of us forever, and will always be close to my heart.


Sam . I think about Cora a lot. I think about all the good times we had together, I think about the closeness of us girls, and I think about the laughs we shared. It is a bittersweet feeling knowing I can’t make more memories with her, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because I know Cora is still with us, just not in the way I expected. Being friends with her came easy, it was almost as if she was never sick. I have been friends with Cora since around Jr. High and she is quite the girl. She’s stubborn, energetic, very optimistic, has a huge heart, and so much more. I can remember so many of the things we did together. Things a typical teenage girl does. We went shopping, watched so many movies, went to football games, got ice cream, and talked about boys. Even though we did a lot of ordinary things together, let me just say, there was never a dull moment with her. For as sick as she was, she always managed to make sure we had a good time. That is one of the things about Cora I will never forget. She was certain to make sure her sickness didn’t get in the way of anything. She was a fighter, that’s for sure. She kept going through it all. It’s difficult to write something about Cora, mainly because I can’t even come close to saying what I want to about our friendship. But I will say, being in Cora’s presence and being able to know her was a blessing. I was very humbled to be around someone like her. She never complained, and she never burdened anyone with her cancer. She changed lives; I know she changed mine. She went out of her way for others, including myself. I will always miss Cora Peters, but I am somewhat content because I still see signs of her every day, and I know it’s her saying hello. I love that girl and she will always be my best friend. #CoraLove


Janelle. Thinking of my senior year of high school, I never thought I would have to attend the funeral of my best friend. As much as I miss her, I know that she is still with me every day. Cora changed so many people’s lives in such a short amount of time. She showed us how to see the light in everything. Throughout her journey of her battle I never once heard her complain about having cancer. She knew that God had a plan for her and she wasn't going to question it. Her strength still astounds me. Cora had more faith in her 18 years here than anyone I have ever meet. I can only hope to one day have as much faith and love for God as she did. Even though she isn’t on Earth anymore, that doesn’t mean her faith still doesn’t shine. After her visitation, her faith shined through so much that three people got baptized that night. I never really understood the saying “gone but not forgotten” until this year. Our community and Bureau Valley High School has done so much to make sure that her spirit lives on. I can still see her in the sparkling snow that seems to not stop falling, I see her in the pink and purple sunsets. I see her in my friends everyday at school and I know that she will never be far from my heart and mind.


Kalie. Every time I would be with Cora she'd have a smile on her face. No matter what kind of day she had or what she went through, she was always smiling, like a boss. It made me and many others look up to her. For her strength, positivity, and happiness. I think Cora lives on through many people, her family, friends, and anyone she's made an influence on.

1 comment:

  1. I pray for all you girls on a daily basis. I don't know you all very well but I know Cora loved each and everyone of you. Not only did she make you a better person, I believe you all helped her became the wonderful lady she was. God Bless You All
    Cora's Crew
